Miscellaneous Boards > Forum Games

Questioning the Question

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Hey, this game is carried on from the old game of WorldScape.

Rules: Use a question to answer the previous question.

      Person 1 - Why am I here?
      Person 2 - Why are you here?
      Person 3 - Why are you questioning me?

If you want to say something but isn't a question and it doesn't involve the game, put it in parenthesis.
Example: (Haha, that's so true.)

FIRST QUESTION: Hey, what's up?

yo dude whats up?


--- Quote from: richard on May 03, 2012, 10:55:37 am ---yo dude whats up?

--- End quote ---

(you shouldn't just repeat the question just like he did. try to come up with something clever everyone! ;D)

why are you asking me this?

I can't ask you a simple question?

and why is that?  8)


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