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RR future???


so now that runescape is back (07 version) what is the point at this project anymore? Just wondering. will it stop?

Obviously it hasn't. We've been developing everyday.


--- Quote from: nate on March 06, 2013, 03:10:10 am ---so now that runescape is back (07 version) what is the point at this project anymore? Just wondering. will it stop?

--- End quote ---

the point is that you can play this for free without paying 15$,
and i think this community is better then the runescape community ( botting gold farming and so on.... )
i'm enjoying RR more then runescape .
Good staff,olmost no lagg,eco is good thats why there is a good reason to still develop this server.

ps to kevin : i hope this community wont get f*cked just like project rs06 with the bots....

So many of these topics and it feels like we are stuttering our words now....


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