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Auto-closed gates and route finding


At Edgeville while filling vials at Doris' house the gate closed on me.  Not only did attempts to open the gate force my player to travel to the other side of the gate via the back entrance my character now preferred to use the back opening to get to the bank instead of what my character previously did, use the open gate.


--- Quote from: Gornu on February 10, 2019, 02:46:25 pm ---my character now preferred to use the back opening to get to the bank instead of what my character previously did, use the open gate.

--- End quote ---
Is it possible the bank and gate are in different loading zones and appears open in your client while it is closed server side?

If that is the case, Ryan said he would work on that sometime.

The gate showed closed client side.  Before relogging my character probably was in the same loading section as the bank.  After the relog I could open the gate from the outside of the fence but the travel finder preferred the different route.


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