Author Topic: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!  (Read 28877 times)


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The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« on: August 30, 2014, 01:52:52 pm »

      I. Introduction
            A. What is Herblore?
            B. What's Herblore for?
      II. The Basics
            A. Herb Cleaning
            B. Farming Herbs
            C. Basics of the Potions
            D. Potion Mixing
      III. All about the Potions!
            A. Regular Potions!
            B. Coconut Milk Potions!
      IV. Secondary Ingredients
            A. All the Secondaries!
            B. Pestle and Mortar

If you find anything wrong with the guide, please inform me I'll be glad to fix it.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 10:21:55 pm by Prayer »


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2014, 01:53:18 pm »
I. Introduction

          To start herblore you must complete the quest Druidic Ritual. After it's completed you will have 3 herblore, and you'll be able to identify/clean guam herbs. At this stage you will be making attack potions, but first let's learn what is herblore.

          A. What is Herblore?
                    Herblore is a skill in which you will be identifying/cleaning herbs and turning the herbs into potions with a vial of water, a herb, and a third ingredient! You'll also be crushing unicorn horns and some other cool stuff with a pestle and mortar!! Herblore is one of the hardest skill to max out since you will either need a lot of money, or spend a long time gathering herbs.

          B. What's Herblore for?
                    Herblore is a real necessity in the game because it supplies players with many potions like the prayer potion, which regenerates your prayer, or the super strength potion, that gives you a large boost in your strength level! Fight caves, the place where you get a Firecape, cannot be beat without potions! All pkers use potions
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 09:28:36 pm by Prayer »


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2014, 01:53:30 pm »
II. The Basics

          A. Herb Cleaning
                    Whenever you find a herb, whether it's coming from a herb patch, a dead monster, or a players trade box it's usually a grimy herb. A grimy herb means that it is not clean, and cannot be used in potions. To clean the herb so it can be used, you must click on the herb. All the herbs have requirements for them to be cleaned, here's the list

Rogue's purse53
Ranarr weed1525
Irit leaf17.640
Dwarf weed26.770

          B. Farming Herbs
                    While Herblore is generally an expensive skill to raise, it is possible to raise your levels through Farming. The only cost of which is buying the seeds or you can steal them from Master farmer is free. When herbs are picked, they are grimy. As mentioned above there are only 3 herb patches available, which are the ones in Catherby, Ardougne, and Falador.

                    Let's start farming herbs! First check if your farming level is enough to plant the specific herb seed you want. To start farming first get the herb seed you want to plant, a rake, a seed dibber, a spade, a plant cure, 3 compost, an air staff, 20 laws, 20 water runes. First you'll start in catherby, so teleport to Camelot and walk straight East. Once you're there, rake the weeds or use a spade to get rid of the dead plant. Place the compost in the patch then place the seed, that's why you have the seed dibber. You CANNOT water herbs, they grow without water. Teleport to ardougne and walk north to where the patch is. Once you finish planting one there go to falador and repeat. You'll be wearing the air staff to keep an inventory space free & because it's like not wasting air runes! You'll need the law and water to teleport to Catherby-Ardougne-Falador in that order. If your plant is diseased make sure to use a plant cure on it! Keep many plant cures saved as you won't want dead plants! When you pick the herbs make sure to clean them and bank them before going to the next patch. It's best to afk or do other things like skilling while your herbs grow so you won't have to spend time looking at your herb, or you can continuously teleport to each patch to see if they're getting diseased.

          C. Basics of the Potions
                    Creating a potion is really quite simple. All that is required is a Vial of water, a primary ingredient, and a secondary ingredient. Once you have all the correct ingredients needed in which to make your desired potion, you simply need to follow a simple method to complete your potion. Remember a small bit of potions require coconut water, rather than regular water, so keep some regular vials too!

Vial of water    +    Primary ingredient     =    Unfinished potion     +    Secondary ingredient     =    Completed potion

                    Here's the example, but using the real ingredients to make a Prayer potion.
Vial of water    +    Clean ranarr    =    Ranarr potion(unf)     +    Snape grass     =    Prayer potion(3)

          D. Potion Mixing
                    When potions are made, they are in 3-doses. Using two potions together will combine their doses. A 3-dose potion and a 2-dose will give you one 4-dose and one 1-dose potion. A 3-dose and a 1-dose will make a 4-dose. Two 2-doses will make a 4-dose, and so on. If all your potion goes into one vial, you will be left with the potion and the remaining vial. The Herblore level to make the potion is not required to combine them. Obviously, you can only mix potions of the same kind.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 11:36:48 pm by Prayer »


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2014, 01:53:42 pm »
III. All about the Potions!

          A. Regular Potions!
                    The table below shows how to make each potion, the level required, experience gained, as well as the effect of the potion. Remember that when potions are made, they are in 3-doses. Mixing potions is mentioned in another section of the guide.

Potion LevelPrimary Secondary XP Effect
Attack potion 03 Clean guam Eye of newt50 + 10–15% to Attack level
Antipoison 05 Marrentill Unicorn horn dust 75 Cures poison
Relicym's balm 08Rogue's purse Snakeweed 80 Cures disease
Strength potion 12Tarromin Limpwurt root 100 + 10–15% to Strength level
Serum 207 15Tarromin Ashes 100 Heals the afflicted in Mort'ton
Restore potion 22Harralander Red spiders' eggs125 Restores lowered combat stats (excluding HP and Prayer)
Guthix balance 22Harralander Garlic, Red spiders' eggs, Silver dust 125 Heals, kills, or enrages the vampires in Burgh de Rott
Energy potion 26Harralander Chocolate dust 135 Restores 20% energy
Defence potion 30Clean ranarr Whiteberries 150 + 10–15% to Defence level
Agility potion 34Toadflax Toad's legs 160 +3 Agility levels
Prayer potion 38Ranarr weed Snape grass 175 Restores 1/3 of overall Prayer level
Super attack 45Irit leaf Eye of newt 200 + 20% to Attack level
Super antipoison 48Irit leaf Unicorn horn dust 212.6 Cures poison and gives temporary resistance to poison
Fishing potion 50Avantoe Snape grass 225 + 3 Fishing levels
Super energy 52Avantoe Mort myre fungus 235 Restores 40% energy
Super strength 55Kwuarm Limpwurt root 250 + 20% to Strength level
Weapon poison 60KwuarmDragon scale dust 275 Poisons five arrows, 1 dagger, or 1 spear
Super restore 63Snapdragon Red spiders' eggs 285 Restores all lowered stats by ~33.8% (excluding HP)
Super defence 66Cadantine Whiteberries 300 + 20% to Defence level
Antifire 69LantadymeDragon scale dust 315 Temporary resistance to fire breath
Ranging potion 72Dwarf weedWine of zamorak 325 + 15% to Ranged level
Magic potion 76Lantadyme Potato cactus 345 + 4 to Magic level
Zamorak brew 78Torstol Jangerberries 350 Lowers HP and Defence by 10%
Increases Strength, Attack, and Prayer by 15–20%
Saradomin brew 81Toadflax Crushed nest 360 Lowers Attack, Strength, Magic, and Ranged by 10%
Increases Defence and HP by 15–20%

          B. Coconut Milk Potions!
                    Coconut milk is used to make stronger doses of Antipoison and Weapon posion. In order to obtain Coconut milk, use a hammer on a Coconut. This will give you a split open Coconut—simply use it on a Vial to obtain.
This process is not currently possible.

Potion                      Level   Primary          Secondary               XP   Effect
Antipoison +68 Toadflax Yew roots 310 Cures poison and gives longer immunity
Weapon poison +73 Cactus Spine Red spiders' eggs 330 Higher poison damage and effect lasts longer
Antipoison ++79 Irit leaf Magic tree roots 354 Cures poison and gives the longest immunity
Weapon poison ++82 Nightshade Poison ivy berries 380 Very high poison damage and effect lasts the longest
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 11:48:38 pm by Prayer »


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2014, 01:54:03 pm »
IV. Secondary Ingredients

          A. All the Secondaries!
Eye of newtTaverly Herblore shop & Port Sarim Betty's shop
Unicorn horn dustBlack unicorns & Unicorns at Camelot teleport, Varrock east mine, North of Barbarian Village.
Use the pestle and mortar to the unicorn horns.
Limpwurt rootHobgoblin, Hill giant & Chaos druid
Red spiders' eggsVarrock Sewers 2 spawns, Karamja Volcano 1 spawn, Edgeville dungeon 5 spawns
Chocolate dustYanille food shop, Ardougne Baker, & Nardah food store both stock of 10
chocolate bars. Use the pestle & mortar on the chocolate bars for the dust.
White berriesFarming with white berry bush, 59 farming required
Toad's legsNorth-west Tree Gnome Stronghold & Taverley, south-eastern lake
Snape grassSouth-west of Falador with 3 spawns & Waterbirth Island with extreme spawns.
Chaos druid, Hobgoblin, & Chaos druid warrior drops
Frog spawnFished in Lumbridge Caves
Mort myre fungusMort Myre Swamp - after Nature Spirit quest
Yew rootsFarming a Yew tree, requires 60 farming
Gorak claw dustGorak, use a pestle and mortar to crush to dust
Dragon scale dustTaverley Dungeon, 5 spawns near Blue dragons
Wine of zamorakChaos Temple
Potato cactusKalphite Hive
JangerberriesWest of Yanille on a small island. Farming Jangerberry bush, requires 48 farming
Magic rootsFarming a Magic tree, requires 85 farming
Crushed nestWoodcutting, and using a pestle and mortar on a Bird's nest
Poison ivy berriesFarming a Poison ivy bush, which requires 70 farming
Papaya fruitFarming a Papaya tree, requires 57 farming
BonemealSkeletal wyvern
Cave nightshadeFarming

Strikethroughed text means that it is not added yet.

          B. Pestle and Mortar
                    To grind items, you will need to purchase a 'Pestle and Mortar' from the Herblore Shop in Taverly. Once you grind items like the 'Unicorn Horn', you can add them as your second ingredient for certain potions. There are other items that need to be ground before use in potion making. Below is a table that lists those items.

Unicorn horn Unicorn horn dust
Chocolate bar Chocolate dust
Blue dragon scale Dragon scale dust
Bird's nest Crushed bird's nest
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 05:14:43 pm by Prayer »


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2014, 03:24:42 pm »
I love you.


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2014, 03:25:53 pm »
I love you.

I love you too Slangin!!
Eh just got to take a few hours to finish this lol


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2014, 04:01:34 pm »
420 blaze it!

I mean good job with the guide. ;D


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2014, 06:45:55 pm »
Great guide prayer, another aide for your 99 quest haha  8)


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2014, 06:55:01 pm »
Very well put together so far - thanks!


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2014, 11:42:22 pm »
I can tell you put multiple hours behind this guide.... very impressive! ;D
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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2014, 11:59:34 pm »
Thank you all for your wonderful comments! I just finished Part IV which includes all the secondaries and how to get them. This guide is now finished because I see there is nothing else to add, so if you see anything I could add or something wrong that I put, message me.

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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2014, 01:20:29 pm »
Ah prayer, thanks so much, needed this kind of guide for a while though.

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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2014, 04:40:43 pm »
You forgot Weapon poison++


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Re: The Ultimate Herblore Guide!
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2014, 06:13:46 pm »
You forgot Weapon poison++

Help me out a bit lol idk how to make that:)