Author Topic: Define this!  (Read 4628 times)


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Define this!
« on: August 04, 2013, 03:32:39 am »
Alright, lets be dictionary.  Oxford, oral, urban, whatever, this is a game where you define what noun the last person picked out of his or her definition.

The rules are simple, last person to post picks a word out of their definition, a noun mind you and you have to define this word.  Only English words as this is an English speaking board, as long as it is spoken in any English dictionary.

Your definition can be of what this noun is, where it came from, or who has it.  Further more, this definition can be literal, slang, jargon, as reference to an abbreviated phrase, or what this object resembles to places, people, or things.

Be careful when you type out your answer, you have to pick out a noun no one picked yet.

And, this noun has to be a proper noun, as in no "he" and no "it", it has to be something known about that has a specific reference to something, and no, even "thing" doesn't qualify as a choice.

If you edit your post or your post is edited by staff, you forfeit your answer and the next person to post has to yet again define the last person's choice pick for definition.

For instance:

This particular fruit comes from an underbrush variety of plants


The foliage mainly found within the bottom layer of a forest, jungle, or of any collection of trees such as the ferns.


These do not count, but the more you embellish the definition the broader of choice you have when selecting the next noun.

Modifying your post that has a follow up defined post only serves to detract from what the game is about, seeing how many nouns we can chain based on definition.  Also, modifying your post so you can recycle a word with another will only add to the confusion of this game not the display of our word ability.  We are to have fun and be creative, not cheat.

As with any game here, you will not define your own noun post, only those that are not you, not including your secondaries, we know which ones they are, 0-3 post counts, well....

Here we go


Copy and paste this to add Waffles in RuneRebels! We have Chocolate, and Beer, why not