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Where the bloody hell is Garnu?

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As you may have noticed, I have been supremely inactive.  In and out of the hospital and now my original digs want me out of these Senior and Disabled apartments.  I'll be moving up in class once I get approved on some better digs, hopefully.

~Have a blessed day....

Best wishes Garnu :)


--- Quote from: Garnu on August 02, 2014, 02:26:21 pm ---As you may have noticed, I have been supremely inactive.  In and out of the hospital and now my original digs want me out of these Senior and Disabled apartments.  I'll be moving up in class once I get approved on some better digs, hopefully.

~Have a blessed day....

--- End quote ---

Best of luck Garnu, I hope to see you around in the near future.

Good luck in hunting for a supreme abode.

Well, here I am with Internet finally, and here I am at a different senior and disabled apartment building.  It has been a long four months with no computer access and finally recently with the ability to use my original computer but no Internet.  Lets hope I don't get in to another homeless situation for quite some time, I would only hope, myself.

To be blunt, my last living situation before now I think didn't understand through stigma what a schizophrenic might do and quite honestly had no lee way whatsoever of my actions involving reasons to ask me to leave.  The real kicker is now that I'm stable the host of management won't even let me on the premises, possibly presumption that I would continue to act as a guest in the same manner as what got me terminated.  And I do have friends still at that last residence.  How bogus is that, to take in the disabled, mental or physical, and not understand the differences of a stable mind or unstable mind? 

Perhaps it is fate that being subjugated will be another point in my life.


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