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Waterbirth Island


Can someone explain the steps to get there I forgot. Also I know you need a tele with you or you will be stuck

Dev Seth:
The NPC that takes you to Waterbirth Island is Jarvald who is located in the Port of Rellekka. Bring a teleport just in case, as you said.

i talked to jarvald and he didn't want to talk. neither the teleport option worked on him

Dev Seth:

--- Quote from: Prayer on January 26, 2017, 06:41:03 pm ---i talked to jarvald and he didn't want to talk. neither the teleport option worked on him

--- End quote ---

I just found out he was previously removed due to bugs.

Jarvald will be working again within a week or so probably. I went through and redid him with his correct dialogue.


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