General > Tutorials/Guides

How to make a perfect guide

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1.)  Take your time with your thread, don't make it sloppy. 

2.)  Don't assume people know what your talking about add detail.

3.)  Make sure it is not a spam guide with barely any words.

4.)  Add pictures, so people can see and understand better in general.

5.)  Requirements? Locations of stores for equipment?

6.)  How much experience per hour?

7.)  Is there any quest we need to do or quest that could possibly help us in any way?

8.)  Add a video if you think it should be there.

9.)  Do many people use this skill? if so that would be great information.

10.)  Don't waste your time telling someone that the rest of your thread will soon be coming, if you want to make a perfect thread, do it all at once at your own pace.  If you do that however, your thread may get hate comments.

11.)  Use bold and coloured titles to spice things up a little.

Suggestions are always appreciated :)

I will always suggest a video with commentary. It's a lot better then just reading text.

Either way works fine. This will come in handy Emulous, good job.  :)



--- Quote from: Kryptonite on May 30, 2012, 11:24:21 pm ---

--- End quote ---

You've got to pimp my guuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiidddddddeeee!..............daaaaaaammmn riiigghht!


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