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Living of the Land with Yoshi A5 and Super Joey01

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Yoshi A5:
The Challenge

Me and my irl friend Super Joey01 have set ourselves a challenge that is quite hard. We'd like to share our experiences with you guys.
Our objective is to be entirely self-sufficient, which basicly means we gather all materials and make everything we need by ourselves.

The Rules

-We may not trade with other players on RuneRebels, except with each other.
-We may not buy things from npc's apart from items we can't make or get from monster drops, for example pickaxes.
-We are allowed to sell things to npc's.
-We are allowed to use items we get from monster drops, such as weapons.
-The rule above does not apply when we are assisted by other players.
Event Rules
-We are allowed to pick up items at drop parties, we can use these items during the event only(e.g. weapons/armour)
-The exception to this rule are consumables (Food, Arrows, Runes, etc.) We can use them when we're able to craft them ourselves.


Short term
Yoshi A5
(click to show/hide)-Attack 40 (to wield Rune)
-Crafting 40 (Crafting Guild)
-Crafting 43 (Diamonds)
-Crafting 50 (Ruby Amulet)
-Crafting 63 (Green D'hide Body)
-Cooking 40 (Lobsters)
-Defense 60 (Dragon armour)
-Fishing 16 (Caskets)
-Fishing 40 (Lobsters)
-Fletching 50 (Maple Shortbow)
-Fletching 65 (Yew Shortbow)
-Herblore 26 (Energy Potion)
-Magic 45 (Camelot Teleport)
-Mining 41 (Rune Pickaxe)
-Mining 55 (Mithril)
-Mining 60 (Mining Guild)
-Ranged 55 (to kill Fire Giants)
-Ranged 70 (Black D'hide)
-Slayer 40 (Basilisks)
-Smithing 35 (Steel Arrowheads)
-Smithing 55 (Mithril Arrowheads)
-Smithing 68 (Full Mithril)
-Thieving 38 (Master Farmer)
-Woodcutting 45 (Maple)
-Woodcutting 60 (Yews)

Super Joey01
(click to show/hide)-Attack 40 (to wield Rune)
-Crafting 23 (Tiara)
-Crafting 34 (Ruby Ring)
-Crafting 40 (Crafting Guild)
-Crafting 43 (Diamonds)
-Crafting 50 (Ruby Amulet)
-Cooking 30 (Tuna)
-Cooking 40 (Lobsters)
-Cooking 50 (Swordfish)
-Defence 40 (to wield Rune)
-Fishing 16 (Caskets)
-Fishing 35 (Tuna)
-Fishing 40 (Lobsters)
-Fishing 50 (Swordfish)
-Fletching 45 (Mithril Arrows)
-Fletching 50 (Maple Shortbow)
-Fletching 65 (Yew Shortbow)
-Magic 13 (Fire Strike)
-Magic 49 (Lvl-3 Enchant)
-Mining 41 (Rune Pickaxe)
-Mining 55 (Mithril)
-Mining 60 (Mining Guild)
-Ranged 40 (Combat training)
-Runecrafting 33 (Multiple Air 4x)
-Runecrafting 42 (Multiple Mind 4x)
-Smithing 15 (Iron)
-Smithing 48 (Full Steel)
-Smithing 55 (Mithril Scimitar)
-Woodcutting 45 (Maple Trees)
-Woodcutting 60 (Yew Trees)

Long term
-Cooking 95 (Summer Pie)
-Crafting 90 (Onyx Amulet)
-Farming 85 (Torstol)
-Fishing 81 (Manta Ray)
-Fletching 80 (Magic Shortbow)
-Magic 87 (Lvl-6 Enchant)
-Mining 85 (Runite)
-Prayer 52 (Smite)
-Ranged 70 (Black Dragon Hide)
-Runecrafting 99 (Multiple Air x10)
-Smithing 99 (Full Rune)
-Thieving 75 (Gem Stalls)
-Woodcutting 85 (Magic Trees)

Yoshi A5
(click to show/hide)17 June

25 June

27 June

Mining 60!

18 July

Super Joey01
(click to show/hide)

Yoshi A5:
Updated progress and added pictures!

It's sorta like this anyway, the player base is so small that sometimes I feel like i'm alone :3

Yoshi A5:
That's true, one of the reasons I started this challenge was because there were no players to trade with. But since we can't trade with npc's too it's a lot harder! That's what makes it really fun.

Yep this is a really good idea! good luck and i hope you have more patience than me. I literally gave up on 50 smithing when my 3 days of straight mining just took me to 48 :(


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