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Topics - Alluvion

Pages: [1]
Todo / Draynor Dark Wizards Bug
« on: February 09, 2013, 05:51:49 pm »
There is only one dark wizard (174) wandering around Draynor Village. There should be two that spawn near the willow trees.

Also, it's nice to see that they are aggressive to low-level players as they should be, but I noticed their curses, even if successful on me, do not lower my combat stats.

Fixed bugs / Timing of Melee Damage Hits on NPCs vs. Attack Animation
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:42:08 pm »
It appears that the timing of the damage splats on NPCs relative to the attack animation of the character is off. I have observed this both with swords and kicking/punching, that the damage splat occurs just before the attack animation even begins. This is backwards, and the damage splats should appear during the end of the attack animation (i.e. right when the sword blade finishes moving downward for a blow, or as the foot impacts the NPC for a kick).

Please note that it should not simply be an issue of when the damage splats appear, but also when the actual damage is done to the NPC (or other player) as well. Hopefully the damage splats appear exactly at the same time when the damage is subtracted off of the subjects hitpoints.

Todo / Fletching logs while running/walking
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:09:45 pm »
Hi all. This is my first day here.

As usual I started out woodcutting and fletching bows in Lumbridge. I have noticed that it is impossible to run (or walk) somewhere (i.e. towards general store to sell your bows) and then, while running, try to fletch logs. Nothing happens, and I must wait until I have reached my destination before I can fletch. You should be able to fletch, craft, make potions, etc. while traveling.

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