
General => General => Started by: ohioplayer7 on February 16, 2013, 09:52:22 pm

Title: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: ohioplayer7 on February 16, 2013, 09:52:22 pm
Edit: sorry for old news didn't check forum
From what I have concluded, this servers goal is to create a exact replica of Runescape 2006. You guys have been very good at attempting this, but one company hates you, along with 130,000 players willing to play Jagex 2007 runescape.
In case any of you haven't heard Runescape is releasing Runescape 2007, the 50k minimum votes are already there. 2007 is the oldest full backup they have, and still before GE, and COE. So good luck because I love this server but you guys need to rethink your entire reason for making this server, cause you can no longer be the best 2006 remake. (excluding community)

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Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: HappyguyForum on February 16, 2013, 09:57:52 pm
first of all, we are remaking 06, not 07, and second of all, half those people aren't going to stay at runescape. There is a reason why we quit rs. The new owners were horrible, the new updates were terrible (but thats not this case), the community was just full of BS, and we were all growing up. People are not gonna have time to sit there and replay their childhood again. Half those people voting i can garuntee you, aren't gonna play if its gonna cost 15$ extra to play their childhood. Even 5$ extra will start to add up and they will be like, "uhhh yea this is getting boring, been there, done that, im over it already". The thing that makes us different, is we are just a quiet little community who just likes to have fun, and relive memorys. With 1x xp and a loud, obnoxious community. I don't think they will be able to keep all their now 20 or so year old players occupied.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Ow on February 16, 2013, 09:58:56 pm
From what I have concluded, this servers goal is to create a exact replica of Runescape 2007.

130,000 players willing to play Jagex 2007 runescape.

cause you can no longer be the best 2006 remake.

Not sure if troll or extremely stupid
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: ohioplayer7 on February 16, 2013, 10:03:40 pm
first of all, we are remaking 06, not 07, and second of all, half those people aren't going to stay at runescape. There is a reason why we quit rs. The new owners were horrible, the new updates were terrible (but thats not this case), the community was just full of BS, and we were all growing up. People are not gonna have time to sit there and replay their childhood again. Half those people voting i can garuntee you, aren't gonna play if its gonna cost 15$ extra to play their childhood. Even 5$ extra will start to add up and they will be like, "uhhh yea this is getting boring, been there, done that, im over it already". The thing that makes us different, is we are just a quiet little community who just likes to have fun, and relive memorys. With 1x xp and a loud, obnoxious community. I don't think they will be able to keep all their now 20 or so year old players occupied.

The 06/07 argument is weak, changes were not that significant directly compared to GE/EOC I genuinely believe that people will be happy to jump on the bandwagon of having a chance at being one of the richest people in runescpae, since the economy is starting from scratch. The community will initially be many veterans, and more may even return. Also they could get enough votes to make it free/members just like in 07.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: ohioplayer7 on February 16, 2013, 10:04:31 pm
From what I have concluded, this servers goal is to create a exact replica of Runescape 2007.

130,000 players willing to play Jagex 2007 runescape.

cause you can no longer be the best 2006 remake.

Not sure if troll or extremely stupid

1 freaking typo you get my point.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: HappyguyForum on February 16, 2013, 10:10:33 pm
first of all, we are remaking 06, not 07, and second of all, half those people aren't going to stay at runescape. There is a reason why we quit rs. The new owners were horrible, the new updates were terrible (but thats not this case), the community was just full of BS, and we were all growing up. People are not gonna have time to sit there and replay their childhood again. Half those people voting i can garuntee you, aren't gonna play if its gonna cost 15$ extra to play their childhood. Even 5$ extra will start to add up and they will be like, "uhhh yea this is getting boring, been there, done that, im over it already". The thing that makes us different, is we are just a quiet little community who just likes to have fun, and relive memorys. With 1x xp and a loud, obnoxious community. I don't think they will be able to keep all their now 20 or so year old players occupied.

The 06/07 argument is weak, changes were not that significant directly compared to GE/EOC I genuinely believe that people will be happy to jump on the bandwagon of having a chance at being one of the richest people in runescpae, since the economy is starting from scratch. The community will initially be many veterans, and more may even return. Also they could get enough votes to make it free/members just like in 07.
20 year olds wont have time to play the game and pay 20$ for days apon days anymore. This should have happened a long time ago. At this point in time, alot of them won't stay. They have jobs, and some have familys. Its just not gonna happen.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Kevin on February 16, 2013, 10:11:10 pm
No. We will not stop. Runerebels will keep on with development.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Olivia020 on February 16, 2013, 11:16:42 pm
130,000 people aren't against us.

I voted and i'd still play runerebels.


1. It's jagex LTD, I hate jagex because they don't create, they destroy, hence why I'm here
2. 15 Dollars for membership + your 8 dollars you pay monthly, I rather pay my 8 bucks to RuneRebels to help pay for VPS hosting.
3. They would either update the game and change it again past the point of people saying it was good, or they will just leave it to die like they did with RuneScape Classic
4. $$ adds up for you, but jagex is getting over 6 million dollars if every 750,000 people vote, they already have 1 million now.
5. RuneRebels is hosted by a group of developers and staff who actually care about this game to remake it, you don't have to worry about them throwing in a content like LETS MAKE THIS A 508 SERVER INSTEAD! no, it would never happen. You can't speak the same for jagex.
6. Although it would hurt the player base for RuneRebels, I'm sure the amount of people would not wanna start over, or, just feel safer with RuneRebels. As do I.
7. Better staff team here then on RuneScape
8. Free membership here.
9. Respected and helpful community.
10. Why trust jagex again when they are known for ruining your childhood plenty of times.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Sherry on February 16, 2013, 11:51:00 pm
I don't even know where to start to refute this oppinion in all honosty, its just full of such garbage  ::)
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Jake on February 16, 2013, 11:53:20 pm
RuneRebels has just started. There's limited to no chance of it ending. This game, RuneRebels, will be a huge step for 06 remakes and rsps's in general. This server will go down as one of the best servers created, ever.

We have much longer to go I assure you that. Whether you're around or not is up to you. But I sure as hell wouldn't miss it for the world.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: ohioplayer7 on February 17, 2013, 01:57:12 am
RuneRebels has just started. There's limited to no chance of it ending. This game, RuneRebels, will be a huge step for 06 remakes and rsps's in general. This server will go down as one of the best servers created, ever.

We have much longer to go I assure you that. Whether you're around or not is up to you. But I sure as hell wouldn't miss it for the world.

I by no means am leaving until Jagex offers free Castle Wars (which will be never), however rsps will receive a (perhaps temporary) decline if they get 750k votes. You guys have a good server but,
you are trying to make a 06 era server, you still have a lot of bugs, etc.
Jagex IS releasing a fully functional server from the same era in a couple of months
They are the ones who invented runescape lets not forget (give them some credit), and will have new coders fixing additional bugs.
Private servers are a knockoff in general ( or a time machine). Either ways you can keep coding away but Jagex will beat you to the punch of having a 2006ish server that works perfectly.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Jrub on February 17, 2013, 02:10:59 am

besides if people do end up having to pay $15 a month EXTRA on top of the current membership, I doubt it would

even $5 on top of the current membership price

RR on the otherhand..
free  :o
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Jake on February 17, 2013, 02:17:49 am
Jagex IS releasing a fully functional server from the same era in a couple of months
They are the ones who invented runescape lets not forget (give them some credit), and will have new coders fixing additional bugs.
Private servers are a knockoff in general ( or a time machine). Either ways you can keep coding away but Jagex will beat you to the punch of having a 2006ish server that works perfectly.
But then you have to think this server is going to have updates regularly, which is going to entertain and amuse most people. What's runescape going to have? 1 finished game with no extra updates, No fresh/new content, Horrible staff, A player base filled mostly with horrid humans and immature people. This game will out do this 'new' runescape bs. I don't agree with raps declining either. 90% of the people who play rsps only play because of the hate that they have for Jagex. I don't see this changing much, Maybe a couple of C grade servers losing players but nothing major.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Ghost on February 17, 2013, 02:20:44 am
Ohioplayer, I will never play an 07 remake at all. I grew up on the original RS2 interface that is implemented in this server.

The logout button is at the bottom, not some crappy little "x" on the top right. This is the interface and closest replica I can find that was my memories from a time long ago. I will proudly stick with this server and make the contribution that this community, the devs, and the owners deserve.


A proud 06 player, not an 07 player.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: ohioplayer7 on February 17, 2013, 02:32:06 am
Everyone seems to forget they non of you wouldn't be "here" if it wasn't for the evil hated Jagex. I think most people left rs not because of some magical unknown hatred of Jagex, or even the mods, but mainly because of the updates like the G.E. and E.O.C. If Jagex really offers to roll some of these changes back on a special server I think not everyone will be so big headed, but perhaps give them a second chance. They created a the original game, and managed to attract millions of players (including all of you) even with their "horrible staff" and "horrible community". And still even with their updates maintain millions of members, and are coming out with "runescape 3" that will actually play on my tablet. I'm not hating on private servers, but we can't hate Jagex jsut because it's cool, you can't even judge them by thier past actions entirely, since they showing that they are trying to change with the polls for free trade and wildy, and now rs 2007.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Jake on February 17, 2013, 04:17:20 am
And you think they're changing because they actually give a damn about what the players want? NO. They're changing because they want money. It just so happens that they will receive more money for switching to what the players are wanting. Have you not noticed that they're charging people extra monthly? Jeez, They must really care about what their players want. 'Magical 'hatred' for Jagex' don't act as if you haven't stared at your computer screen and thought "Wow Jagex, You've really fucked up again you piece of shit" at some of their hideous updates. But now they're trying to win back all their old members and the ones that actually have some sense will realise that they're money hungry and who ever actually pays extra to play that game couldn't get any more stupid. Why put your money into something that solely runs off trying to rake in more money when you can put it into a legit server that cares about your enjoyment for the game and literally cares about what you have to say, Free of charge.

If you go and play Runescape '07 and leave RuneRebels behind, Good luck to you. I know for a fact we will be seeing your face in the near future  8)
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Friend on February 17, 2013, 04:31:27 am
I myself won't be moving back over to Jagex, i'm going to stay here and continue to be part of this community, i'm really looking forward to seeing us hit 250, 500 and even 1000 players online.. it'll be an awesome achievement.

Stay or go, i wish you all the best and i'll see those of you staying in-game! :D
Have fun!
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Jata on February 17, 2013, 05:10:36 am
NOO, just NOO!
Why would i play 2k7 for 25$ a month?
When I can donate 25$ here or play WoW 2-3 months with that or even do something in RL with that?
Plus I want 2k6 not 2k7, sure jagex finally listened to us..but its not like they didn't want the $_$ they'll get from this project...
I mean really? Their making a 2007 server after so many private servers had thousands registered, for example 2006scape had around 500.000 registered users.
They just did the math like a 5 year old would do 500.000 x 25$ (a month) = 12.500.000 so lets get rich guys and not have an anti-bot system or a dev team that can fix bugs, but the stupid players will pay 25$ a month for their nostalgia and addiction.
Really trust me RuneRebels wont die it will get more popular...
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: evil angel on February 17, 2013, 05:58:26 am
The 06/07 argument is weak, changes were not that significant directly compared to GE/EOC
You are one of those players, that play 2006 Remakes because you don't like the current Runescape.

Runescape (2) has pretty much 3 Eras. (Not including Runescape Classic times and before that, that is a whole different story).
1) Beginning or Runescape 2 till Release of Pest Control - Old School Era, the best game ever made.
2) Pest Control till death of Wilderness and Free Trade - "Mid" School Era, "Noob Era", garbage game.
3) Death of Wilderness and Free Trade till EoC - New School Era, worst game ever made.

2006 and 2007 do have SIGNIFICANT differences. YOU do not understand that, because you didn't "grow up" in Runescape BEFORE 2006. Players that started 2006 (even many that started 2005, depends how fast your personal "learning course" is) or later have NO CLUE about that.

MOST of 2007 voters are those "kids" (under 20, definitely) that would even like 2010 etc, maybe even right pre EOC game. They aren't Old School people. They don't play 2006 for 2006 era, they play 2006 because they don't have later releases.

Saying 2006 and 2007 are close to being the same game, is stupid.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: scrilla on February 17, 2013, 08:17:10 am
The 06/07 argument is weak, changes were not that significant directly compared to GE/EOC
You are one of those players, that play 2006 Remakes because you don't like the current Runescape.

Runescape (2) has pretty much 3 Eras. (Not including Runescape Classic times and before that, that is a whole different story).
1) Beginning or Runescape 2 till Release of Pest Control - Old School Era, the best game ever made.
2) Pest Control till death of Wilderness and Free Trade - "Mid" School Era, "Noob Era", garbage game.
3) Death of Wilderness and Free Trade till EoC - New School Era, worst game ever made.

2006 and 2007 do have SIGNIFICANT differences. YOU do not understand that, because you didn't "grow up" in Runescape BEFORE 2006. Players that started 2006 (even many that started 2005, depends how fast your personal "learning course" is) or later have NO CLUE about that.

MOST of 2007 voters are those "kids" (under 20, definitely) that would even like 2010 etc, maybe even right pre EOC game. They aren't Old School people. They don't play 2006 for 2006 era, they play 2006 because they don't have later releases.

Saying 2006 and 2007 are close to being the same game, is stupid.

2007 before the removal of freetrade is the best, all the new content and skills were amazing (hunter and construction), godswords and stuff.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Sherry on February 17, 2013, 09:44:45 am
RuneRebels has just started. There's limited to no chance of it ending. This game, RuneRebels, will be a huge step for 06 remakes and rsps's in general. This server will go down as one of the best servers created, ever.

We have much longer to go I assure you that. Whether you're around or not is up to you. But I sure as hell wouldn't miss it for the world.

I by no means am leaving until Jagex offers free Castle Wars (which will be never), however rsps will receive a (perhaps temporary) decline if they get 750k votes. You guys have a good server but,
you are trying to make a 06 era server, you still have a lot of bugs, etc.
Jagex IS releasing a fully functional server from the same era in a couple of months
They are the ones who invented runescape lets not forget (give them some credit), and will have new coders fixing additional bugs.
Private servers are a knockoff in general ( or a time machine). Either ways you can keep coding away but Jagex will beat you to the punch of having a 2006ish server that works perfectly.
LOL the poll will NEVER get 750k votes, let alone 250K votes. I doubt you ever played rs in 2008 let alone 2007 or 2006
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: toxic on February 17, 2013, 09:45:46 am

This is my opinion

This is first of All a 2006 server
And i do have to say if u want to play runescape 2007 server u Will have to Pay.
People who Will play the new runescape 2007 server Will quickly notice the bots and the rs gold farmers and if u think that this Will be the end of runerebels ur wrong real active players wont quit rune rebels becouse this server is epic
I dont like the way ur thinking... Sorry if this offends you


Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: toxic on February 17, 2013, 09:48:03 am
No. We will not stop. Runerebels will keep on with development.
yay !!!!!
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: DesertRain on February 17, 2013, 10:55:21 am
From what I have concluded, this servers goal is to create a exact replica of Runescape 2007.

130,000 players willing to play Jagex 2007 runescape.

cause you can no longer be the best 2006 remake.

Not sure if troll or extremely stupid

I think neither.  I read someone expressing their opinion, not being a troll.  As far as their facts, I don't know, I didn't do the research to know for sure.

My opinion, they may do well at first, like he implied, but I don't think it will last.  For one thing, their customer service goes from stinks to high water to non-existent.  And, with the economy going to the garbage, in every country, many will rethink giving their hard earned money to Jagex.

Not to mention, Horning, their new Goldman Sachs puppet.  He is there only for two reasons.  To take your money, and laugh all the way to the bank.  And destroy the game...

The owners here at RuneRebels are the true meaning of Capitalists.  They earn their money on their own merits, their own hard work.  Not robbing their members, or forcing us to pay for something we don't want.

When I can afford it, I'd rather give my money to the owners and staff here at RuneRebels. :)  That's called freedom. :)
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Envy on February 17, 2013, 11:33:45 am
From what I have concluded, this servers goal is to create a exact replica of Runescape 2007.

130,000 players willing to play Jagex 2007 runescape.

cause you can no longer be the best 2006 remake.

Not sure if troll or extremely stupid

I think neither.  I read someone expressing their opinion, not being a troll.  As far as their facts, I don't know, I didn't do the research to know for sure.

I'm pretty sure he's saying that because this person obviously knows it's a 2007 remake, but yet he's saying it's gonna be a better 2006 remake than us when it isn't even a 2006 remake.

Personally I don't like many of the updates between where we'll be and where that server will be, so I probably won't switch over. Along with my respect for Jagex at this point making me not want to play.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: ratman on February 17, 2013, 11:46:46 am
How about this, here's my two cents:

Most likely, by the time that the poll ends, it has a good chance of getting roughly 250k members (Little to no chance of 500k or 750k, unless bots decide to vote).  Let the whiney "old school" players from 2009 and after have their old game, while the mature players can continue to develop their hatred for Jagex.  Yes, some members will go back to the 2007 servers, yes some of the 2007 players will continue to be fed up, and come here.

It might have a direct effect on the servers at first, but after a few months of the jagex servers, there should theoretically be a larger influx of immigrants, then those leaving RR.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Kaskade on February 17, 2013, 11:47:58 am
For me, I MAY try it out if it reaches $5 extra, but no way in hell will I pay $15 a month for a shitty community and August 2007 RS, when I can get private servers with great communities for free.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Stuart on February 17, 2013, 11:57:21 am
If the remake part of the server comes to the end, it would transform into something else. Because of the dedication and the hard work of our wonderful and skilled staffteam, I am a full supporter of All go Free.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Gaystings on February 17, 2013, 12:26:13 pm
This game will still have about the same amount of players, due to how much 2007scape is actually gonna cost.  Obviously not the end, but the player count could go down slightly sadly.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: Kaskade on February 17, 2013, 12:33:52 pm
I'll definitely still be playing RR. I don't even wanna know what the 2007 runescape community is gonna be like. If it's even half as bad as Runescape's community is now then that's a problem haha.
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: ohioplayer7 on February 17, 2013, 12:39:30 pm
If the remake part of the server comes to the end, it would transform into something else. Because of the dedication and the hard work of our wonderful and skilled staffteam, I am a full supporter of All go Free.

Thanks that all I was looking for. When I first started playing Rune Rebels I thought the idea was so cool having a high quality working 2006 remake. It's just that now there will be similar, (not exact) perfectly working alternative on If the price goes down then it looks like a more attractive alternative. So that was the question, if making a perfect remake becomes a "smaller deal" then what will the developed do then (when they are finished), add content that wasn't in 2006, cause if not then you have a dead server with no updates that will fail. (or at least that what you guys have said about 2007scape.)
Title: Re: The end of Rune rebels?
Post by: ZzReVeNg3zZ on February 17, 2013, 12:39:56 pm
I think a lot of people will stay on this server, or play this and 07scape. One thing i do have to say is I think we should take away the webclient for this game and make the website only forums, then the server cant be taken down by Jagex. I will be donating money soon for RuneRebels also.