General > Rants

Re: Rules

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Why exactly isn't luring allowed? I don't really see it as scamming and it was a big part of the Runescape back in 06 and personally I think its the user fault for falling for it as everyone should know by now that you will lose items in the wildy.

IMMHO, by nature good people trust, and so many new players are naive to the fact that there are bad people on these games.  And I've seen some pretty nasty players in my years on RS. 

Many newbies to games, don't realize that someone is just pretending to be their friend, when the entire time, they are being lured, or scammed.  I think keeping it as a rule is a good thing.

Besides, we should remember, every day there are kids that are growing up and getting their first computer.  They will be looking for games to play.  I want to think we all are looking out for their interest also.

Luring should be allowed, not because I want to lure.. but taking out luring is just 'dumbing down' the game for the new players. I learned that the wilderness is dangerous by getting lured and I also learned not to trust people too easily by getting lured.
Without those lessons, newer players will go out and try to pk with their entire bank and get killed then quit the game.
'Dumbing down' the game is what Jagex did to Runescape, so don't go in that direction.

We'll have to agree to disagree, but I disagree. :)  Learning by being taken advantage of by another, that a new player thought had befriended them, is far worse then being a little dumb to the wild and emptying your bank into your inventory before you enter it.

Making it against the rules makes for so much ambiguity and most likely drama due to the multitude of situations.

I think most will agree getting someone just to meet you at a stupid location for a trade just to kill them is luring.

but what about dropping 10k on the edge to pull people in the wild? probably

what about asking for help higher in wild just to kill someone?

what about having someone follow you, running deeperi n the wild to kill them?

what about agreeing to team with someone only to bs them?

what about lying to someone to troll (eg blue dragons are in the wilderness) only to find out someone pked them? is that luring?

There are so many possibilities some may say yes some may so, which end of the dragon dagger spec you are on may also matter.

Point is.. its such a massive grey area that its a lot of hassle to moderate for something so minor


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