Miscellaneous Boards > Other Games

WHY I don't play RuneScape

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--- Quote from: Jake on May 09, 2012, 02:07:25 am ---I don't have anything against Runescape, They've given me hours upon hours of entertainment. Although I do have to say the game isn't as entertaining as it was back in 06-08.

I didn't necessarily leave Runescape for anything else, I sorta just stopped playing. Then my friend suggested to try out RSPS's. Then after a while I ended up at Worldscape.

Any who, It's quite sad how people get that attached to a game that they cry over it and, in extreme cases, even kill them self.

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Wait wait wait wait wait, you've heard of somebody killing themselves over Runescape?

Plenty of people have. You'd be amazed how attached people get to the game.

Don't get me started on World Of Warcraft :L

WoW is shiit, 'nuf said.

WoW ain't that bad, I only hate that you've to walk a lot.. -.-"

And I liked RS more when it was the old graphics.. Somehow it lost his 'magic' if you know what I mean. I had a lot of fun with friends back then when I got back from school, I got on RS and speak to my friends again in-game.

I miss those times. :(

You hardly have to walk at all now with the loadstones.  :o


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