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Topics - Whackatre

Pages: [1]
Tech Support / [Linux] Missing a Library
« on: February 10, 2013, 12:15:58 am »

The client doesn't load, and judging from the stack trace I'm probably missing some runtime library. By the way, I'm on Mint 14 and using JRE 7 if that helps. Also I ran RR on another computer (Mint 13 with JRE 6) and it worked fine.

Introductions / Hello
« on: January 11, 2013, 01:10:36 am »
Hello. I am mostly known as Whackatre but some of you may recognize me as Whac, Mew or Justin_. I enjoy computer programming (I have experimented around with mainly Java, Python, and Ruby) and like many programmers, I am also an avid IRCer on several different channels on several different networks (albeit mainly Rizon) which you may find me on. Thank you for reading.

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