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Topics - Kevin

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General / Let's play some RuneRebels
« on: March 28, 2016, 06:10:27 pm »
Since I am not developing anymore, lets play. I have a legit account I've played off/on with since before the game was released. Username is Chuck Testa. Add me :D

News & Announcements / Resignation
« on: March 12, 2016, 09:53:09 pm »
Hello RuneRebels,

Today I resign from my post as AllGoFree Owner.
Due to certain circumstances I will not be working on WorldScape or RuneRebels anymore.
I have talked with James and Ryan, and they know what is going on. I will always be their friend and will continue to talk to them, but I personally do not have any time for this anymore.

I have worked with Ryan since late 2009, when my account was created actually. Before that I worked on a server called UniversalScape with Bill.

Through UniversalScape I met Bill, playing his game and slowly working up the ranks there and actually became good friends with him. Long story short UniversalScape died and I began to hang out with Ryan, during that time he was working on Blitz, which some of guys may remember. Hence, lol. I helped Ryan out every now and again with Blitz, but I wasn't much of a developer, the first thing I actually helped him with was the fight caves. I went through and got all the dialogue for that MiniGame, and then played that mini-game for hours gathering as much information about it as possible for him.

After some time, I played Classic off and on, but mainly got to know Ryan more by playing his MineCraft server (While also playing classic mind you). Many of you don't know my old account to this day, and probably never will haha.
I started really helping Ryan out with classic after a series of events took place. When Bill became Owner he made me a mod. After a month or so Danny gave me Admin. At this time Bill had became MIA so Ryan moved me up to Owner after about a month of being In-Game Admin and Forum Admin.

After some time, after we made the Zombie Mini-game, Ryan, Alex and myself began work on RuneRebels. The idea actually sparked from Alex showing us some OS2006 videos of another server and we thought "We can do this, no problem."

I'll tell you. We spent months developing RuneRebels before we even posted it, and I will say. I have never been so stressed in my life. I lost tons of sleep and was killing myself at work while checking my phone There was times when I would wake up a 2 or 3 in the morning to my phone buzzing non-stop with people telling me we were being attacked again. That was the worst/best thing I have ever experienced. Constantly being DDoSed(Server and us personally), Ryan and I were doxed several times. Was good times, I'll tell ya.
But through it all, it was worth it. I learned a lot doing this through the years, and though I never personally made money off it, I was paid in experience. I learned a lot through all these ordeals. I made good friends, and lost some through all of this. AllGoFree will forever have a place in my heart(gaaay!) but, I want to thank everyone for this ride.

I will personally be breaking away to start my own ventures.
Some of you know I own and I recently acquired this domain both of which are under development right now.

I will still be around on both WorldScape and RuneRebels, if you ever want to chat with me. My Skype name is "sir_im_rich", I usually have it open all the time, and I read everything, and mostly respond to everything lol. Or you can shoot me a PM here on WorldScape or RuneRebels.

Thanks for everything guys!

 - Kevin

News & Announcements / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2014, 02:28:39 am »
Merry Christmas! From everyone here at AllGoFree!

Hope you all have a wonderful day, spend lots of time with your family!

Other Games / BlackWake
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:27:55 am »
Frell is one of the 2 developers for BlackWake, and he helped us out a lot when RuneRebels really got going. Honestly if it wasn't for him we probably would have shut down a long time ago.

Here is a kickstarter for his new development, I think you guys should check it out and help him out if you can. He needs more backers, even if all you can give is $1, that would help him out a lot.

I am excited to play it, should be coming late next year, to early 2016.

General / Whats been going on!
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:40:06 am »
Hey, just giving you guys an update on what the deal is with everything. So, James main focus is currently WorldScape and I have been working with RuneRebels. You may or may not have noticed a few small changes recently. Nothing major(yet).

I have an update planned and have been working on it in the little time I do have, I outlined Onur on what needs to be done, and he's been also working on this update too. I would like to make this a bigger update than what you've all had recently. I hope you guys will enjoy it. I am trying to give you guys new things. You guys deserve a lot more than we currently are offering.

Things aren't moving as fast as I would hope. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be my days off work, but instead my boss's asked me to come into work on those days. I work in IT so I sit behind a computer, fix computers, and get calls to other peoples computers to fix their issues all day long. Kind of makes me not want work on anything computer related when I get home from the office. But slowly we are working on this. I would like to have it released soon, there are a few things Ryan needs to fix before we can release but that shouldn't be much of a problem.

Anyways, didn't want to leave you guys high and dry, you can take this as more of a "blog" than anything. Just keeping you guys informed on the progress that is slowly but surely being made.

News & Announcements / HighScores
« on: September 23, 2014, 03:15:46 am »

We are proud to re-introduce the HighScores!

We are currently working on some new in-game things. We should have released hopefully soon!

You can visit the High-Scores here:

News & Announcements / We're still alive, and we're meeting up!
« on: August 02, 2014, 12:19:19 am »
So, we're all meeting at Ryan's house, James will hopefully be there, Bill is going, Alex is going, I am flying over, Danny(Mod Dichach) will be there. So we are thinking of doing some sort of Live Stream while we're there. We all play Minecraft together, so we are thinking of live streaming up kill the dragon, we have yet to do it because we all wanted to be there. Then maybe we can play some WorldScape or RuneRebels together :D

We will be meeting up next weekend.

News & Announcements / (Small)
« on: March 15, 2014, 05:58:26 pm »

Just a small list of bugs we came across, so we fixed them, next update will be 2.1 :D

Fixed Dialogue for Freaky Forster
Fixed Prayer Potions (Blitz Error)
Fixed Al Kharid Guards (Blitz Error)
Fixed item requirement for Holy and Unholy Symbols
Fixed price of iron and steel arrows

What's New? / Downloadable Client
« on: January 29, 2014, 06:40:24 pm »
We have fixed the download for the downloadable client.

You can download the client by clicking here:

Sorry, the person who was hosting our client download failed to update his domain, and it caused everything to crash. So we moved everything to be hosted on another server.

General / IRC
« on: January 26, 2014, 02:53:03 am »

RuneRebels has an active Internet Relay Chat(IRC) that is hosted by

Click the link below to login using our IRC applet on our site to connect directly to the IRC, make sure you are logged in to the forums!

IRC Port: 6667

General / Happy Birthday!
« on: January 11, 2014, 05:01:49 pm »
To Ryan!

Everyone wish Ry60003333 a very happy birthday! NOW GET BACK TO WORK!

What's New? / The new site
« on: January 02, 2014, 07:03:53 pm »
I promise, I have been working. I am trying to make the site useful for everyone.

So, I am trying to convert all the help pages from RuneScape to look like our site, and I will go through them all and change a bunch of things. There are 1,221 pages. So I am going to work on a script to help me out.



General / How we feel when the login server is down
« on: January 01, 2014, 08:54:41 pm »

General / James at a Bar
« on: December 28, 2013, 05:15:43 pm »

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