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Topics - Testinggame

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Introductions / Hello + Old RR Player Confused!
« on: February 20, 2017, 10:14:35 pm »

I'm a super old RR player. Can't remember my old user or pass though :/

 I played the game back in the days of 2006scape.  I remember the time Ryan was in the hospital, the whole PRS06 civil war thing with Frell, etc. 

I also had a couple buddies who I don't see on here: Happyguy, RiiPiin, Prayer, Jmood, Francis, Charles, and quite a bit more (apologies if I didn't mention your name).  Anyone know their whereabouts?

Also, what the heck happened to RR?  I've been reading the recent forum postings but all it's done is confuse me further.  Is AGF developing RR for real now?  I know development halted for the past couple years (if not 1 year). Today on a whim I decided to see if the RR domain was still online and lo and behold, it seems like some sorta revolution is in motion.  What's going on?!  Is the game going to be up for good now?

I hope AGF doesn't abandon RR again :/ 

Anyway, thanks to whoever made it this far in my post.  If you see any of my old pals above ^, please lemme know.

Much love to AGF staff and fellow players <3

p.s:  This is just a test account, I'll probably make a main if I decide to stay.  I just want to use this to find my old friends again if they're still around.  ;D

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