Miscellaneous Boards > Other Games

Nintendo 3DS Friend Codes


Hey guys, I haven't been playing much lately cause I've been playing a lot of Pokémon Y and I'm also taking an online calculus class this summer but I'll try to make some time to play again soon. I'd really apreciate it if I could get some of your friend codes so I could add you and maybe play together sometime :3 The only multiplayer game I have atm is Pokémon Y but I'd still love to add you even if you don't play Pokémans! If you're not comfortable with posting your code here for whatever reason, feel free to pm it to me here on the forums :)

My friend code: 4656-7987-2551

Thank you very much!

The Vanguard:
2509 2385 2007

Got pokemon Y and X, feel free to add me.

No idea what pokemon I can give you on friend safari though.


--- Quote from: The Vanguard on June 16, 2014, 02:11:51 pm ---2509 2385 2007

Got pokemon Y and X, feel free to add me.

No idea what pokemon I can give you on friend safari though.

--- End quote ---
Yayyy thanks :)


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