General > Todo

Slayer shops


If you buy out one shop of say Broad arrows, it buys the other one out too, i'm not sure but i dont think thats how it was in real rs, just wondering if we could get that fixed?



--- Quote from: MrHebb on January 09, 2017, 01:53:47 pm ---If you buy out one shop of say Broad arrows, it buys the other one out too, i'm not sure but i dont think thats how it was in real rs, just wondering if we could get that fixed?

--- End quote ---
Linked shop stock wasn't around till 2009 ish, if i recall correctly.

Dev Sean:
I will look into this right now, thanks for the report!

Can confirm: Slayer shops are linked, filing an issue for it now and we'll get back to it when we can :)

Hey thanks for reporting this bug!
I've just put it into our internal issue system and hopefully we can get this fixed as soon as possible.

Reference: blitz/slayer#1



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