Miscellaneous Boards > General Media & Graphical Design

My New Youtube Background

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Hey, sup guys? Firstly, I thought I'd post this for fun, and get to know you guys some more and share some of my skills with you.
So anyway, I just made a new account on youtube and I'm quite good with GFX, so I made an account called TehCorruptGFX. I realised that I needed my own background, and therefore got to work on it. I added it to mediafire, as the Attachments max size is 128KB :/ Tell me what you think of it?
Peter :D

The Background:

Sorry if you thought the download was dodgy, I forgot that I could post pictures in the Post :P
Here's the Link if you want to download it: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wsocw95qckgdbo2

I'm pretty sure it's an encrypted RAT, I downloaded it scanned it twice and then there was nothing. But if it isn't upload an image using the tags.

Just suspicious a new member with 1 post would post a download link.

You guys shouldn't make accusations so easily, It could be legit for all you know.  ::)

Although you should have posted it just as a photo  8) 

I downloaded it. Seems legit.

Picture of it.

There we go.

That's actually an awesome background. You should start doing requests on the forums  8)


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